Barry Bonds BFF
Michael Vick should have had some Barry Bond’s type of friends. When Vick was accused of dog fighting charges, initially he denied them. It took the Fed’s about two weeks after to flip his Vicks boys. You know, those homeboy’s who athletes claim they will never leave or denounce. Take it from the politicians, if an associate you hang out with was found in the 3rd grade stealing gum. Denounce him! If a secretary was filmed by TMZ running a red light, denounce her! And of course, if two of your confidants were caught cheating on their taxes and their mistress, even though you were too, you must undoubtedly denounce them!! Unless of course, you have Barry Bond friends. Bond’s BFF Greg Anderson has to go down in history as the Greatest Friend of All Time. This guy has been to jail four times because he refuses to testify against his childhood friend Barry Bonds, talking about taking one for the team. Vick boys on the other hand told on him as soon as the Fed’s said they were taking them in for questioning. Bond’s is now fighting a perjury charge on trial. He is accused of lying on the stand about not knowing that he had been given steroids. Bond claims that Victor Conti gave him what he thought were supplements that he now knows were steroids. This trial is nonsense because nothing can really come out of it. Even if Barry Bonds is convicted what happens? Bonds would go to prison from 15 to 21 months (because it’s his 1st offense), while Victor Conti the guy who pushed steroids to many athletes spent only four months in jail. Baseball couldn’t be happier right now, having one of their home run derby ghosts of Christmas past blanketing news stories right as opening day begins. The only flip side is the fact that more viewers are interested in Barry Bonds than about whose going to be frontrunners for the World Series as this 1000 game MLB season begins.